Saturday, March 29, 2014

Parent Surveys

Right before spring break this year, I decided to send out some surveys, to try to figure out exactly how parents felt about my classroom, and alternative seating in general.  I left room for comments for each question.  I will include some of them here too.

Here are the results!


      “My child is very active and has issues staying in one place and I was afraid that alternative seating wasn’t going to help her.  Also, it was her age group that had me skeptical.”

“I had never heard about it before but once it was discussed and described to me, I thought it was, and still feel it’s a great idea.”

“I was enthused to see such innovation in the classroom finally take place in my child’s class I knew my child would receive it well!”

“Skeptical because I thought it would be harder to teach because they would play around more than work.”


 “I love it!  My child loves it.  I feel she is more focused.”

“I think it’s great.  I know my son cannot sit still long, especially in a chair.  So I am completely on board with the seating.”

“I think the flexibility to choose where they were comfortable helped the kids develop in many ways, and my child seems to love it as well.”


       “I feel that she has matured.  I also feel that since she is more focused she is more relaxed.”

“I see a great change in my child, she is excited about going in the mornings and feels positively about her experience so far this year.”


 “I have noticed that learning has become more natural to her.  She seems eager to learn, and as a result her grades have been picking up or getting better.”

“Because she feels positive about herself she is trying more, gets over her frustration a lot quicker, and continues to surprise me with increased effort.”


1     “She has always loved coming to school.  She loves all her teachers and classmates.”

“She likes her classroom, her classmates, and her teacher.  It has been a great year getting to know ACAA.  Thank you!”

“[My son] has a WAY better attitude towards school this year.  It is like night and day.”


       “I would recommend alternative seating in the classroom because it allows the student to be more focused, alert, and yet they can feel comfortable.”

“I tell everyone who asks me about the school.”


       “If we have the option of on-line classes, why not give alternative seating a chance?  I feel it is a move forward.  I feel that many kids are over medicated and this could be a solution.”

    Additional comments:

“I remember when Ms. Berger stated that we (at home) learn better when we are relaxed.  She made a great point!  I love to read lying down and I accomplish more by moving around because I don’t feel comfortable in one position.  I have friends who have opted to sit on yoga balls at work rather than desk chairs and they say it has been life changing.  It helps their focus and posture.”

“The last two questions I would say it would be the teacher’s choice.  Everyone is different, some could handle the alternative seating, some may not be able to handle it.”

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